The Birth of KOUNOU - A Coffee Journey Across Mountains and Seas

From the Yunnan plateau to the streets of Japan,KOUNOU uses cups of mellow coffee to build a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and Japan

I. Mission and Vision

Mission: Originating from Yunnan coffee plantations and integrating the Japanese spirit of craftsmanship, KOUNOU practices the brand philosophy of “From Farm to Japan,” dedicated to delivering the purest coffee experience from the branches to the cup.

The wind kisses the branches and leaves of the coffee trees, while mountain springs nourish each coffee cherry. In the embrace of the Yunnan Plateau, KOUNOU has formed an unbreakable bond with coffee. We are deeply rooted in Yunnan’s high-quality coffee-producing areas, meticulously selecting the finest coffee beans and strictly controlling every detail, all to capture the most authentic aroma of coffee.

However, our pursuit goes far beyond just a good cup of coffee. The delicacy and elegance of Japanese culture profoundly influence our aspiration for a better life. We long to blend the art of coffee with the art of living, transforming coffee shops into a sanctuary that provides people with a place to breathe and relax. Here, inspiration sparks, connections are made, and coffee and life intertwine to form poetry.

II. Our Values

The birth of a cup of coffee is the crystallization of the dance between farmers, roasters, and baristas, and a perfect embodiment of KOUNOU’s brand values.

Quality is our persistent and focused pursuit of coffee excellence and an unwavering belief. We deeply understand that the ultimate quality of coffee stems from meticulous attention to every detail. From the selection of coffee beans to the precise control of the roasting curve, and the brewing techniques of baristas, KOUNOU’s commitment to quality is endless. We believe that quality lies not only in the rich taste of coffee but also in the satisfied smiles of our customers.

Sustainability is our solemn commitment to the environment and social responsibility while pursuing excellence. We advocate harmonious coexistence with nature, practicing organic farming in coffee cultivation and reducing the use of chemicals. We care about the livelihoods of coffee farmers and strive to bring them more benefits. From the plantation to the cup, transparency and warmth are KOUNOU’s interpretation of sustainability.

Cultural exchange is a gene embedded in our bloodline. At KOUNOU, it is not only the coffee beans that traverse mountains and seas but also the dialogue between two ancient civilizations. We use coffee as a medium to fuse China’s ancient tea culture with Japan’s exquisite craftsmanship, sparking fascinating chemistry. Here, coffee is not only a rich beverage but also a bridge for cultural exchange, connecting the hearts of the Chinese and Japanese people.

Innovation is our never-ending journey. While inheriting classic recipes, KOUNOU is committed to exploring the infinite possibilities of coffee. We respect each customer’s unique needs and tailor personalized coffee experiences for them. From breakthrough flavor innovations to the integration of modern technology for a smart experience, KOUNOU always stands at the forefront of the times, leading the revolution in coffee culture.

Collaboration is our unwavering pursuit. We firmly believe that the charm of coffee lies in connecting people and bridging differences. Whether it’s the workers on the farm, the artisans in the roastery, or the partners in the coffee shop, everyone’s hearts are tightly bound together, moving forward towards the same goal. In this process, everyone is respected and given the opportunity to grow. This is the team power of KOUNOU, and this is our way of unity.

III. Founder's Story

Born in Dehong, Yunnan, Mr. Li Shaoquan’s military experience during his youth endowed him with an indomitable will and a character of courage and responsibility. In 2015, with a passion for coffee in his heart, Mr. Li resolutely bid farewell to the army and founded “Dehong Yunchawo Coffee Co., Ltd.” This was the predecessor of KOUNOU.

However, Mr. Li was not content with the initial success of his coffee venture. He astutely realized that to establish a firm foothold in the coffee industry, it was necessary to possess a true core competency of his own. So, he journeyed to Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. In Ethiopia, Mr. Li witnessed the unique charm of “sun-dried processing.” He brought these valuable experiences and insights back to his homeland, taking root and flourishing on the land of Yunnan. He pioneered the introduction of international advanced techniques such as “sun-dried processing” and “honey processing” in Yunnan, and innovatively developed “sweet sake processing,” leading to a qualitative leap in the quality of Yunnan coffee.

As an internationally certified coffee quality grader (Q Grader), Mr. Li has almost impeccable standards for coffee quality. He personally oversees the production process of each batch of coffee beans, from planting and picking to processing, ensuring that each bean is perfect. Under his leadership, KOUNOU continuously aligns with international standards, introduces advanced equipment, improves product quality, and gradually earns a good reputation in the industry.

However, Mr. Li’s dream is not only to create a coffee brand but also to build a bridge connecting Chinese and Japanese cultures. He hopes that through KOUNOU, more Japanese people can taste the rich aroma of Yunnan coffee and experience the profundity of Chinese culture. To this end, he frequently travels between China and Japan to promote Yunnan coffee, warming the hearts of the people of both countries with each cup of fragrant coffee.

Today, when people sip a cup of KOUNOU coffee, they taste not only the rich aroma of the coffee but also the persistence and dream in Mr. Li’s heart. The young man walking on the coffee road interprets his love for life and his unwavering pursuit of dreams in his own way. This is the story of Li Shaoquan, a story of courage, persistence, and dreams.

IV. Quality Control

For KOUNOU, quality is not just a slogan, but a responsibility and a solemn commitment to consumers. It is deeply engraved in our brand DNA, guiding the direction of our progress.

At KOUNOU, the commitment to quality runs through every stage of production. It all starts with the selection of coffee beans. Our coffee bean quality experts visit the production areas and personally check the quality of each batch of coffee beans. Only coffee cherries with the perfect ripeness and flawless appearance are qualified to become KOUNOU’s raw materials. We would rather maintain a lower yield than allow any defective beans to be mixed in.

In the processing stage, we strictly follow international advanced standards, employing techniques such as “sun-dried processing,” “honey processing,” and “sweet sake processing” to maximize the preservation of the coffee beans’ flavor. Each batch of green beans undergoes repeated removal of impurities and sorting to ensure uniform bean shape and no damage. This is our first line of defense for quality.

Roasting is a crucial step in determining the flavor of coffee. We use intelligent roasting equipment, precisely controlling temperature and real-time monitoring to ensure that each batch of coffee beans reaches the optimal roast level. Our roasting curves are carefully calibrated by experienced roasting masters through repeated trials and tastings. Even the slightest temperature fluctuations cannot escape their keen sense of smell and taste.

Quality control is integrated into every detail of KOUNOU’s operations. From raw material procurement and production processing to packaging, transportation, and retail sales, each stage has strict quality control standards and monitoring processes. We regularly conduct random inspections of our products to ensure that each bag of coffee beans and each cup of freshly brewed coffee meets our quality requirements.

Quality is as heavy as a mountain, as weighty as Mount Tai. KOUNOU will uphold the spirit of craftsmanship, hold ourselves to more stringent standards, treat each detail with a more rigorous attitude, and spare no effort to present consumers with a cup of coffee filled with sincerity. We firmly believe that on the path of quality, there is no end. Only by continuously surpassing ourselves can we create more possibilities.